Data Systems Harmonisation

The MoH reports an annual teenage pregnancy rate of 110,000 while the MoE’s Education Management Information System (EMIS) reports an annual rate of 5,000. The huge disparity in teenage pregnancy data reported annually by the two (2) ministries due to parallel and incoherent data capturing systems is a major challenge in the fight against teenage pregnancy, particularly resource allocation. Eduwatch has been providing technical support towards the harmonisation of teenage pregnancy data systems between MoE and MoH to promote data driven planning and budgeting, towards an effective financing and coordination of an anti-teenage pregnancy and girls’ re-entry policies. A framework for harmonization has already been developed and validated by the MoE and MoH, awaiting operationalization and adoption by both ministries, the GES and Ghana Health Service. The data systems harmonization activity was supported by FCDO in partnership with STAR Ghana Foundation.

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