Prof. Samuel Ofori Bekoe

Prof. Samuel Ofori Bekoe

Prof. Samuel Ofori Bekoe
Prof. Samuel Ofori Bekoe, Board Chair

Prof. Bekoe is the Director of the Institute for Teacher Education and Continuing Professional Development at the University of Education, Winneba. He doubles as a senior technical advisor and Board Chair of Eduwatch who provides voluntary technical support to the Eduwatch Team as part of his contribution towards the development of the education sector.

Prof. Bekoe is a Human Capital Development Specialist and Human Performance Improvement Practitioner with 16 years of experience, designing, developing, implementing and evaluating curricula, INSERT manuals and training programs for both national and international agencies in Ghana. In the education sector, he has provided consulting services in research and scoping studies, needs assessment, curriculum design/development, instructional design, assessment design, and programme evaluation. He has expertise in the development of performance-based and skills-based assessment tools and the training of assessors/appraisers in the adoption of authentic tools for performance assessment/appraisal, with 13 years of experience working on projects funded by MasterCard Foundation, AfDB, USAID, UNICEF, Bill and Miranda Gates Foundation and the Government of Ghana, while providing review/assessment services for Monash University (Australia); University for Development Studies (Ghana), Institute of Education, University of London (UK) and the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (Ghana).

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