Geoffrey Kabutey Ocansey

Geoffrey Kabutey Ocansey

Geoffrey K. Ocansey
Geoffrey Kabutey Ocansey, Revenue & Financing Fellow

Geoffrey (MA Development Communication, BA Population and Family Life Education, Cert. Project Management) is a professional Development Communicator and Social Advocate with a strong passion for institutional and human development targeted at improving livelihood / living standards. He has served on a number of committees on education, health, employment, gender, youth empowerment, tax justice and poverty reduction that worked to advocate the fair allocation and timely distribution of resources and empowering citizens with a major aim of bridging the inequality gap. Geoffrey is an experienced communicator who is also equipped with professional skills for undertaking research, writing position papers, lobbying and professionally adopting dialogic and participatory development communication approaches to influence policies and change practices to facilitate sustainable and accelerated development. As a natural dialogue and peace building advocate with a passionate drive for building strong networks that create dialogic spaces for promoting unity and diffusing tensions, Mr. Ocansey has played frontline roles in organizing peace campaigns on community,regional and national platforms.

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